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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Dawoodi Bohra - Ye Dil Maange More !

A patient education program on Cardiac Awareness conducted under the guidance of Dr Aliasgar Bahrainwala at Hatemi Mohalla Hall on 9.2.13
The program was presided by Janab Amilsaheb Janab Ubai Bhaisaheb Nooruddin.

3 doctors from the renowned Saifee Hospital gave their valuable contributions as regards prevention and management of cardiac ailments which is rapidly rising in the community.
The Bohras are well known for their fondness of high caloric carb enriched sweets, delicacies and non veg savouries. They cannot resist the temptation to accept dinner invitations. The fast growing incidence of diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease and osteoarthritis amongst the community has led to many a program being conducted for patient awareness. Orthopedics, diabetologists, cardiologists and physicians get together and organize these fora with the permission of the spiritual head, Dr Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (TUS) and the cooperation of the local Mohalla Amilsaheb.
On the auspicious occasion of the 102nd Milad Mubarak of the Syedna, this cardiac program kicked off with the first speaker, Dr Shabbir Baldiwala, Physician (yours truly), explaining how to diagnose a heart attack and its emergency medical management. He also discussed the various treatment options available.

It was then, Dr Yunus Loya, Interventional Cardiologist, who took over and talked about Primary Angioplasty. And as Mr. Abuzar Zakir correctly said, the last but most important speaker of the day, Dr. Aliasgar Bahrainwala, Cardiac Surgeon, winded up the session with a small discussion about other treatment modalities available.


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